ROS X Unity! Enjoy the AI programming course with myCobot

In May this year, Hidekazu Furukawa published the artificial intelligence robot programming lesson about programming the robot in Unity and ROS. It is an international course based on myCobot, a collaborative robotic arm from Elephant Robotics.
Unity is the world's leading platform for creating and operating real-time 3D interactive content. There are more than 1800 employees in the research and development department, so the technical level remains at the forefront of the world while focusing on iteration with partners. It helps the company ensure optimized support and service on the latest release and platform. According to the relative platform, in 2020, the games and experiences based on Unity were downloaded more than 5 billion times a month worldwide.
Unity is the world's leading platform for creating and operating real-time 3D interactive content. There are more than 1800 employees in the research and development department, so the technical level remains at the forefront of the world while focusing on iteration with partners. It helps the company ensure optimized support and service on the latest release and platform. According to the relative platform, in 2020, the games and experiences based on Unity were downloaded more than 5 billion times a month worldwide.
Unity launched an introductory book about ROS practice, robot control, and artificial intelligence. In this book, people can learn:
- How to use ROS1 and ROS2
- How to use Unity and ROS together through Unity Robotics Hub
- How to operate robots independently with artificial intelligence through Unity ML-Agents
- How to control the real robots
In this book, people can learn the basic knowledge of ROS and the skills about how to control robots by ROS and Unity. After successfully connecting the ROS and Unity, the control of simulated robots and AI will be more efficient.
As a multi-functional robotic arm, myCobot is used as the real robot example in the book. Because myCobot can be operated by both simulators and machines, and it owns super high-cost performance and precision, it is the ideal choice for the beginner.
Elephant Robotics is a new high-tech enterprise in China focusing on robot r&d and production, platform software development, and intelligent manufacturing services. The products of myCobot series from this company have been launched worldwide because of their high quality and cost-effectiveness.
myCobot can quickly build the robotic arm programming education, the development of the robot arm control logic, and ROS simulation experiment class. It can be used in practical new science courses to achieve object sorting, face recognition, image recognition, and other AI scene requirements. It also supports Python, C++, Arduino, C#, JS, etc.
myCobot series has significant advantages in education:
- High flexibility: From the mechanical point of view, six high-performance servo gear drives the reducer to drive the rotation of each joint shaft.
- High safety: Fully wrapped rounded corner integrated structure design, the exposed wires, and complex circuits are wrapped in the robot arm.
- Convenient lightweight deployment: Through independently developed algorithms, hardware and software control, and security systems, traditional robots are turned into lightweight desktop applications.
- Second development: Various end-effectors can be added to achieve secondary development, such as phone-assisted shooting, intelligent pickup, stacking and sorting, etc. More importantly, mobile chassis, AGV, robot dog, cloud platform track, and intelligent wheelchair can be mounted on the base of mechanical arm to achieve more application scenarios.
- ROS: Control the myCobot and algorithm in a virtual environment, reduce the requirements of the experimental environment and boost experimental efficiency.
- Detailed information: Detailed robot knowledge, product development instructions, product development environment construction, product application cases, and other basic chapters. Moreover, the platform also provides regular software updates, open-source code sharing, and more API and accessories.
Elephant Robotics has collaborated with M5Stack and launched a hardware experience tour worldwide with the support of various distributors. Nowadays, people can practical experience our robotics products in Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Nagoya, Akiha, and Sendai.
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