A Letter from CEO: Celebrate Elephant Robotics 8th Anniversary

Elephant Robotics' story began on August 10, 2016. The past 8 years have witnessed the joint growth of our team, our users, and our partners. I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to all of you who have taken this journey alongside Elephant Robotics.
Over the past 8 years, our team has grown from 2 founders to nearly 100 and every one of us shares one vision:
Enjoy Robots World
"Enjoy" together -- As a user-oriented company, we are dedicated to maintaining high product quality and pursuing perfection to make our products enjoyable. We are also grateful to have thousands of followers on social media platforms and contributors on technical forums. From what I’ve seen all of our backers are wonderful creators who always enjoy with us.
Develop "Robots" -- Robotic products have always been our goal for advancement. Since 2016, our team has officially launched the world’s first bionic pet cat MarsCat, the world’s smallest six-axis collaborative robot myCobot, the world’s smallest dual-arm collaborative robot myBuddy and other groundbreaking products. From last year to this 8th anniversary, in just one year, we have introduced the world's smallest seven-degree-of-freedom collaborative robotic arm myArm and the humanoid robot Mercury series to the world. Our story with robots has just begun from now. We couldn’t have made these achievements without the trust and support from our backers and users.
Connect with the"World" -- Our products are ready to reach every corner of the Earth. Over the past 8 years, thousands of our robotic products have been successfully shipped to 51 countries and regions and welcomed by manufacturers, individual creators, educational organizations and business owners. We will continue to extensively apply our products across diverse industries, fostering an Enjoy Robots World for everyone.
Our mission is to Bring Robots to Everyone. Along with support from our backers, we are looking forward to future opportunities and building robots world together!
Happy 8 years of Elephant Robotics!
Joey Song
Chief Executive Officer