mechArm pi 270, a 6-axis robot arm based on the Raspberry Pi 4B
A few months ago, Elephant Robotics launched the myPalletizer, which was a robotic ARM with 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) built around the Raspberry Pi 4. The company has just released a similar robotic ARM that has 6 degrees of freedom, 270mm for robot workspace and it’s also powered by the Raspberry Pi 4 for easy user interface. The mechArm Pi 270 was originally showcased on Indiegogo and Kickstarter. According to Elephant Robotics, the...
MechArm Pi 270 is a desktop robotic arm powered by a Raspberry Pi 4 SBC
Reported by Jean-Luc Aufranc (CNXSoft)
Elephant Robotics MechArm Pi 270 is a six-axis robotic arm with a 270mm working radius, support for up to 250 grams payload, and that runs Debian/Ubuntu + ROS on a Raspberry Pi 4 single board computer.
myPalletizer 4 Axis Robot Arm Available in M5 Stack & Raspberry Pi 4 Models
Elephant Robotics has developed a 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) robotic arm platform that comes in an RPI 4 model B version and an M5 version. The robotic arm comes in a compact design and supports several programming languages to meet the requirements of hobbyists and users in STEM related fields . In the past, LinuxGizmos reviewed the MyCobot robotic arm which has a similar concept to the myPalletizer. The myPalletizer...
Elephant Robotics Launches Mass Production of Bionic AI Robot Pet -- MarsCat to Provide Comfort During Pandemic
Elephant Robotics has begun mass producing its bionic Al robot pet, the MarsCat, to provide comfort to more people confined to their homes during the pandemic. The long-term home office due to COVID-19 continues to amplify people's sense of loneliness and isolation. In the absence of human contact, more people are turning to robots for mental healing and social comfort. However, due to technical barriers, most companion robots in the market...